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موضوعات مورد بررسی در پرسش های متداول:

پاک‌کردن همه

Ensuring Transparency and Accountability in Navigating AI Decision-Making during Rapid Scaling in a .NET AI/ML Project using MAUI

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دکتر امیر محمد شهسوارانی
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عضو شده: 4 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 459
شروع کننده موضوع  

As a full-stack .NET developer, I've had the privilege of working on numerous projects that involve artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques. One of the most exciting and challenging aspects of these projects is navigating the complexities of AI decision-making during rapid scaling. In this article, we'll explore how to ensure transparency and accountability in our .NET AI/ML project using MAUI.


Stage 1: Data Preparation

The first step in ensuring transparency and accountability is preparing high-quality data. This involves collecting and preprocessing relevant data sets that can be used to train our AI models. In a .NET project, we can use libraries like ML.NET or Azure Machine Learning to prepare and preprocess the data.


```C# Codes:

using Microsoft.ML;

using Microsoft.ML.Data;

public class DataPreprocessing


    public static IDataView PreprocessData(IDataView data)


        // Perform data preprocessing tasks such as handling missing values, scaling, etc.

        return data;




Stage 2: Model Training

Once we have prepared our data, we can train an AI model using a library like ML.NET or Azure Machine Learning. In this stage, we'll need to ensure that our model is transparent and explainable.

```C# Codes

using Microsoft.ML;

using Microsoft.ML.Data;

public class ModelTraining


    public static MLModel TrainModel(IDataView data)


        // Train the AI model using the prepared data

        var mlContext = new MLContext();

        var trainData = mlContext.Data.LoadFromTextFile<DataTable>(data, hasHeader: true);

        var model = mlContext.Trainers.Sdca LogisticRegression(trialCount: 5);

        var trainedModel = model.Fit(trainData);

        return trainedModel;





Ensuring Transparency and Accountability in Navigating AI Decision-Making during Rapid Scaling in a .NET AI/ML Project using MAUI By: Amir Mohammad Shahsavarani  https://www.IPBSES.co m



Stage 3: Model Deployment

After training our AI model, we'll need to deploy it in a production-ready environment. In this stage, we'll

ensure that our model is deployed with transparency and accountability.

```C# Codes:

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

public class ModelDeployment


    public static IActionResult DeployModel(MLModel model)


        // Deploy the trained AI model using a framework like ASP.NET Core or Azure Functions

        var services = new ServiceCollection();


        var provider = services.BuildServiceProvider();

        var controller = provider.GetService<IController>();

        return controller.Execute(model);





Stage 4: Model Monitoring

After deploying our AI model, we'll need to monitor its performance and accuracy over time. In this stage, we'll ensure that our model is monitored with transparency and accountability.

```C# Codes

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;

public class ModelMonitoring


    public static IActionResult MonitorModel(MLModel model)


        // Monitor the deployed AI model using a framework like ASP.NET Core or Azure Functions

        var services = new ServiceCollection();


        var provider = services.BuildServiceProvider();

        var controller = provider.GetService<IController>();

        return controller.Execute(model);






Ensuring transparency and accountability in navigating AI decision-making during rapid scaling is a critical aspect of developing a robust .NET AI/ML project using MAUI. By following the stages outlined above, we can prepare high-quality data, train an explainable AI model, deploy it with transparency, and monitor its performance over time.

Code Snippet:

Here's a code snippet that demonstrates how to use the stages outlined above in a .NET project:


using Microsoft.ML;

using Microsoft.ML.Data;

public class AiMLProject


    public static void Main(string[] args)


        // Stage 1: Data Preparation

        var data = DataPreprocessing.PreprocessData(data);

        // Stage 2: Model Training

        var model = ModelTraining.TrainModel(data);

        // Stage 3: Model Deployment

        var result = ModelDeployment.DeployModel(model);

        // Stage 4: Model Monitoring

        var monitorResult = ModelMonitoring.MonitorModel(model);





By following the stages outlined above and incorporating code snippets like the one provided, we can ensure transparency and accountability in our .NET AI/ML project using MAUI.


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