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موضوعات مورد بررسی در پرسش های متداول:

پاک‌کردن همه

What's the best talent management framework for your organization?

1 ارسال ها
1 کاربران
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215 نمایش‌
دکتر امیر محمد شهسوارانی
Noble Member Admin
عضو شده: 4 سال قبل
ارسال‌: 484
شروع کننده موضوع  

1. Define your talent strategy

The first step of creating a talent management framework is to define your talent strategy, which is the alignment of your people practices with your business strategy. Your talent strategy should answer questions such as: What are your core values and culture? What are your short-term and long-term objectives? What are the critical skills and competencies you need to achieve them? How do you measure and reward performance? How do you support learning and development? How do you foster diversity and inclusion? Your talent strategy should be clear, consistent, and communicated across your organization.


2. Assess your talent capabilities

The next step of creating a talent management framework is to assess your talent capabilities, which is the evaluation of your current and future talent needs and gaps. You can use various methods and tools to conduct a talent assessment, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, performance reviews, 360-degree feedback, skills tests, and data analysis. The purpose of a talent assessment is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of your workforce, the potential and readiness of your talent pipeline, and the opportunities and threats of your talent market.


3. Design your talent programs

The third step of creating a talent management framework is to design your talent programs, which are the specific initiatives and activities that support your talent strategy. Your talent programs should cover the entire employee lifecycle, from recruitment and onboarding, to development and retention, to succession and exit. Some examples of talent programs are: employer branding, talent sourcing, selection and hiring, orientation and induction, training and coaching, mentoring and sponsorship, career planning and mobility, recognition and rewards, engagement and retention, feedback and performance management, succession planning and leadership development, and offboarding and alumni relations.



What's the best talent management framework for your organization? | By: Amir Mohammad Shahsavarani (PhD)|  <a class=https://www.ipbses.co m" width="600" />


4. Implement your talent programs

The fourth step of creating a talent management framework is to implement your talent programs, which is the execution and delivery of your talent initiatives and activities. To implement your talent programs effectively, you need to have a clear plan, a dedicated team, adequate resources, and strong support from your leaders and managers. You also need to communicate your talent programs clearly and frequently to your employees, stakeholders, and partners, and involve them in the process as much as possible. You should also monitor and adjust your talent programs as needed, based on feedback and results.


5. Evaluate your talent outcomes

The fifth step of creating a talent management framework is to evaluate your talent outcomes, which is the measurement and analysis of the impact and value of your talent programs. To evaluate your talent outcomes, you need to have a set of relevant and realistic indicators and metrics, such as employee satisfaction, retention, productivity, performance, engagement, loyalty, innovation, diversity, and customer satisfaction. You should also collect and analyze both quantitative and qualitative data, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, observations, and reports. You should also compare your talent outcomes with your talent goals and benchmarks, and identify the areas of improvement and success.


6. Improve your talent practices

The sixth and final step of creating a talent management framework is to improve your talent practices, which is the continuous improvement and innovation of your talent programs and outcomes. To improve your talent practices, you need to have a culture of learning and feedback, where you encourage and reward experimentation, collaboration, and risk-taking. You should also seek and share best practices and lessons learned, both internally and externally, and leverage new technologies and trends to enhance your talent capabilities. You should also review and update your talent strategy regularly, to ensure that it aligns with your changing business needs and goals.




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